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TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14 EmptySáb Fev 09 2013, 19:02 por FoxLion

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TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14 EmptySáb Fev 09 2013, 18:54 por FoxLion

TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14 EmptySáb Fev 09 2013, 18:49 por FoxLion

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TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14

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TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14 Empty TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14

Mensagem  FoxLion Sáb Abr 14 2012, 13:05

TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.3500.14 RsagD

Release Name: TuneUp.Utilities.2012.v12.0.3500.14
Release Date: 13-04-2012
Filename: TuneUp.Utilities.2012.v12.0.3500.14-TE.rar
Size: 28.5MB
Type: Windows
Release Description:

Uncompromising performance, maximum battery life, a clutter-free PC experience and smart energy efficiency – that‘s exactly what you get with an all-new TuneUp Utilities™ 2012. Packed full with more than 30 tools, we guaranteed that your PC is in top shape!It’s Windows® like you’ve never seen it before, all thanks to two truly unique technologies built into TuneUp Utilities™ 2012. Our revamped Program Deactivator restores over 50% of speed and free space on bogged-down PCs, while TuneUp Economy Mode improves battery life by up to 30% and is nothing short of an energy-saving miracle. And now it’s easier than ever to optimize your PC thanks to our fully redesigned Start Center.


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Mensagens : 2532
Data de inscrição : 05/03/2012
Idade : 45

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